WebCircle Design Services offers a wide range of internet and intranet services ranging from internet web page creation and hosting to intranet database design and implementation.
Website Design and Maintenance
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The most common thing we do, very simply we make and update websites. Almost sounds too easy to be considered work, but our sites range from a few static webpages and images to
multi-domain database driven multi-user access level sites.
Internet Service Hosting
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We can host your website, your email or other internet services, public and private. We host on a variety of operating systems and platforms and can handle most any configuration
you might need..
Due to security concerns we do not use any Microsoft IIS webservers.
Internet Programming
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We program in the various and sundry languages of the internet, from cold fusion to perl, html to xml, we speak sql fluently in it's various dialects. Java / javascript friendly as well.
Design Review and Consulting
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We would be happy to lend our experience to your design review process. We have a diverse and talented pool of folks (which is to say we have lots of opinions) to draw upon to
review your specifications before implementation.