We provide a variety of services, from complete design, hosting and maintainence
to consulting, oversite and planning, research and offsite administration. A mixture
of blue collar attitude and deep technical knowledge makes for a medley of clientele,
which we happily have listed in part here.
Okay, so we love our national pasttime. It's obvious. We have built and maintain the
very popular Baseball Quote of the Day site and
have attracted our share of sports related sites. Some we have built, some we just
host, but we are proud to be associated with them all.
We have always believed in donating our time and resources to not for profit organizations (not non
profit organizations - there is a big difference - just ask the bookkeeping department here when the technical
department goes off and spends all the money in the accounts on the latest gotta have it hardware).
Sometimes this is reflected in reduced rates, or just helping out when needed on a project.
WebCircle Design Services has contributed time, programming and/or hosting to the following projects: